The results showed that the decomposition of CO2 could be enhanced by increasing applied voltage or frequency within limits. 结果发现:在一定范围内,随着放电电压和放电频率的增大,CO2的转化率增大;
Application of Singular Value Decomposition Method to Static Voltage Stability Analysis Considering Static Load Model 考虑负荷静特性的基于奇异值分解法静态电压稳定分析
Dissolution of Mn, resultant structural change of spinel LiMn 2O 4 and decomposition of electrolyte at high voltage were the main causes for capacity fading at high temperature. LiMn2O4材料中锰元素的溶解流失及其引起的结构变化和高电压下电解液的分解是容量衰减的主要原因。
The former includes the calculation of reaction free enthalpy, equilibrium constants, maximum output, gaseous phase partial pressure and theoretical decomposition voltage of molten salt electrolysis. 前者包括反应自由焓、平衡常数、最大产量、气相分压以及熔盐电解理论分解电压的计算;
Wavelet packet decomposition and its energy spectrum deals with the signal of voltage and its relationship with weld quality. 对铝合金点焊焊接电压信号进行小波包变换并计算其能谱,研究了能谱与熔核质量之间关系。
Second. Research on monitoring and control parameters of weld quality in aluminum alloys spot welding. Research on wavelet packet decomposition and its energy spectrum using voltage signals. 第二,对铝合金点焊的质量监控参数进行研究焊接电压信号的小波包能谱研究。
Theoretical Decomposition Voltage for Some Related Substance on Neodymium Electrolysis 钕电解相关物质理论分解电压的计算
Influence of Decomposition Temperature on the Threshold Voltage for a Series of Charge Transfer Complexes 含碘系列电荷转移复合物的热分解温度对烧孔阈值电压的影响
Study of decomposition of CO_2 gas by ultra-high voltage pulse 超高压脉冲分解CO2气体研究
The decomposition voltage of the electrolyte was not effected by adding TFP. 添加TFP对电解液的分解电压没有影响。
Application of Singular Value Decomposition Method to Analysis and Prediction for Voltage Steady-state Stability Limit of Sichuan Power Grid 奇异值分析法对四川电网电压静稳极限的分析预测
The Measurement of Decomposition Voltage for Dysprosium Oxide and Sodium Fluoride and the Thermodynamical Analysis 氧化镝、氟化钠分解电压的测定及其热力学分析
As shown by results, phosphite in cathodal cell was really converted into hypophosphite to a certain extent but its conversion rate was low due to the confinement of decomposition voltage. 实验结果表明,阴极室亚磷酸盐在一定程度上被转化为次磷酸盐,但是由于受电解电压的制约,转化率较低。
This paper introduced on the decomposition method and the use of voltage, current quantity and power consumption in the aluminium electrolysis production. 本文介绍了铝电解生产的电压、电量和电耗指标的分解方法及其应用。
A dynamic decomposition vector-controlled method based on optimal PWM voltage waves 基于优化脉宽调制波的动态解耦矢量控制方法
Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert Spectrum Analysis on Detection of Voltage Flicker 经验模态分解及Hilbert谱分析在电压闪变检测中的应用
The results show that the behavior of impurity ions is affected by their combined characteristic. Ions, their oxide theoretical decomposition voltage is smaller than RE oxide, deposited preferentially, the content of these elements in electrolyte is very low. 结果表明,杂质离子的放电行为受其在电解质熔盐中的结合状态影响:电位较RE3+正的杂质离子优先放电进入金属中,这些离子在电解质中的含量较低;
The influence of decomposition temperature on the threshold voltage is consistent with the principle of material design of thermochemical hole burning. 理论分析表明,阈值电压对热分解温度的依赖关系反映了活化能对热化学烧孔反应速度的影响。
The important Prerequisite of judging the character of super ionic conductor synthetically and its application prospect is to determine correctly the type of electric conducting ion, the electric conductivity, ionic conducting rate and decomposition voltage of any super ionic conductor. 快离子导体的导电离子种类、导电率、离子输率、分解电压值的正确测定,是综合判定快离子导体性质及其应用前景的重要前提条件。
The empirical mode decomposition ( EMD) and Hilbert spectrum analysis are introduced to analyze and detect voltage fluctuation and flicker signal; some problems in the application are also discussed. 文章应用基于经验模态分解(EMD)和Hilbert谱分析的Hilbert-Huang变换,进行电压波动与闪变信号的分析与检测,并对应用中的一些问题进行了探讨;
Measurement of Equilibrium Decomposition Voltage of A1_2O_3 in Cryolite-Alumina Melt by EMF Method 电动势法测定冰晶石-氧化铝熔体中Al2O3的平衡分解电压
A new method of current decomposition is proposed for single-phase circuit with periodical voltage and current. 对于任意周期性电压与电流信号的单相电路,提出一种新的电流分解方法。
These experiments are carried out under lesser current density and a little higher decomposition voltage and the corrosion of electrodes isn't very serious. 强化作用是在较小的电流密度和稍高电解电压范围内进行的,该条件下电极腐蚀并不明显。
In this paper, according the theory of molten salt electrolysis, the decomposition voltage molten salt and the electrode potential of the metals were calculated and analysised. 采用熔盐电化学还原理论,计算并分析了理论分解电压和金属的的电极电位。
The decomposition results show that the software measurement system can not only realize the response current decomposition of nonlinear insulating dielectric under AC voltage, but also the results were more reliable. It laid a foundation for the further study on nonline-ar insulating dielectrics. 分解结果表明,本软件测试系统不仅能够实现非线性绝缘电介质在交流电压激励下的响应电流的分解,而且具有较高的可靠性,这为进一步的研究非线性绝缘电介质奠定了基础。
Wavelet packet can decompose a signal into low frequency component and high frequency component, which can be further decomposed. Active power and reactive power can be calculated by the decomposition coefficient of current and voltage. 利用小波包对信号的高、低频部分都具有多层次划分的性质,对电流和电压进行分解,由分解系数求出有功功率和无功功率等参数。
The emphasis of paper is that according to wavelet packet decomposition algorithms, the power system harmonic current, voltage RMS derived from wavelet transform coefficients. 本文研究重点是根据小波包变换分解算法,推导出由小波包变换分解系数表达的谐波电流、电压有效值,达到电力系统谐波分析的目的。
In order to simulate the actual high-voltage electrical equipment, designed and produced a simulation device that can simulate the decomposition of SF6 gas under a high voltage discharge. 为了对实际工作中的高压电气设备进行模拟,设计并制作了一套高压放电下SF6气体分解模拟装置。
Experimental result showed that the decomposition of TEA increased with the increase of peak voltage of the power as well as the oxygen concentration in the sample gas. 实验表明:加大峰值电压,增加氧气的体积分数有利于有机废气的分解。